Performance Analysis

  • Do you have the score to get into the school of your choice?
  • Is your score competitive for scholarships?
  • Not sure where you stand on the ACT?
  • Need to discover your areas of weakness to grow your score?
  • Desiring more opportunities to practice in between ACT exams without the extra expense?
  • Trying to determine how much preparation you need to put in to reach your goals?
  • In middle school and wanting the opportunity to get a feel for this exam in order to establish a context and vision for the future?

Performance Analysis meets all of these needs and more!


Just $45

What’s Included

  • A full-length ACT practice exam self-administered at a time convenient for you. Direction for self-administration provided.
  • Raw score and Scaled Score for each section along with a composite score.
  • A chart breakdown for every question on the test and whether you got the question right or wrong.
  • A detailed analysis for each question broken down by question type.
  • Further analysis for each relevant section based on passage type.