Private Tutoring Subject Areas
Advanced Math
Additional Subjects
Success Favors the Prepared
Private Tutoring Subject Packages
10 hrs
- Best for students who need modest support with a single academic subject.
20 hrs
- Best for students who need sustained and focused support in one subject area or more.
30 hrs
- Best for students who need sustained and intensive support in one or more academic subjects.
Prefer to Pick Your Own Number of Private Tutoring Hours? Register Below.
*Note: All tutoring sessions are completed via Zoom.
Private Tutor

Our private tutor is Joel Dakwar. He is a math and classics major at Texas Tech in the Honors College and provides tutoring for PSAT/SAT, ACT, Math, Latin, Greek, and Logic. Joel is a TarpleyPrep certified instructor and also went through Dr. Tarpley’s program when he was in high school and was a National Merit Scholar. Joel is both personable and works well with students. Joel currently also teaches at a private school in the DFW area. The tutoring would be via Zoom and customized based on your child’s needs.